Tim Kami

Mr. Fauzan Ferdiansyah was a new Partner in the Firm. He previously worked in banking field. Soon after being graduated from Law Faculty University of Bung Karno, and passed the Bar Exam, he then joined the Firm in 2020.

Prof Erman Anom,Drs,. MM,. Ph.D lulusan dari Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2001-2006), mendapat Anugerah dari BP7 DKI Jakarta. 1995. Tentang sosialisasi Pancasila, UUD1945, Hak dan Kewajiban Warganegara. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional RI&UniversitasIndonesia.2008.Mendapatkan Sertifikat Pendidik dan Lulus Sertifikasi Dosen dan dinyatakan sebagai Dosen Profesional program studi Ilmu Komunikasi.

Mengajar di beberapa universitas di indonesia menjadikan Prof erman anom memiliki latar belakang pendidikan yang sangat baik, Mengajar, menguji dan membimbing tesis master dan doktor di universitas dalam negeri dan luar negeri dan publikasi artikel di jurnal nasional dan international indeks Sinta dan indeks scopus.

Dewi Reni is a distinguished academic with a strong background in accounting and Islamic finance. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Indonesia, followed by a doctorate in Islamic economics and finance from Trisakti University.

With over two decades of experience in higher education, Reni has served as a lecturer in Islamic accounting and finance, culminating in her appointment as a Head Lecturer. Her dedication to education has extended beyond the classroom, as she has held administrative positions such as Head of the Accounting study program and Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Pramita University of Indonesia. She has also led the Islamic Banking study program and the Islamic Village Sharia Economics College, and served as the Head of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) at Cendekia Abditama University.

In addition to her academic pursuits, Reni has practical experience in the field. She worked for seven years at a Sharia Financing Bank and has been leading the Yusuf, Reni, and Partners Accounting Services Office since 2017. Reni is a certified accountant with IAI, holds a practicing accountant license from the Ministry of Finance, and is a BNSP Assessor in the Associate Accountant scheme.